showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Esper Dream  Konami1987"Esper Dream" is an interesting and well playable Japanese only Action-RPG game from Konami. You are a boy who is drawn inside a book where he has to rescue the mayor's daughter and the world from evil somethings. The game features many traditional JRPG elements like shops, towns overworlds and dungeons in top-view perspective. The fights however are taking place in little action scenes which is similar to fighting enemies in [game=#9176]The Legend of Zelda[/game]. Graphics and music are good Konami standard and of course there is some grinding involved, because once you enter a new zone the enemies' strength goes rapidly up and you have to level up accordingly. At the beginning it is also hard to accumulate enough gold to buy armor and weapon upgrades, let alone resting in an inn to refresh your HP. But leveling actually goes rather fast and the gold problem is no longer a problem after a while. labelimageminimize